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Case Study:
Kogarah Golf Club
The Requirement
Kogarah Golf Course were running a gift card solution via a UK company on their Casio VR POS.
When continual time-zone and support issues became too much, they turned towards
IQ Gecko for assistance.
Kogarah Golf Club wished to run multiple gift card campaigns on a single member card.
To add even more complexity, the club wanted to have an auto-select of which of the multiple gift card values were able to be viewed and transacted with - based on the members location within the club grounds.
The Solution
Overview: Creating this solution required a custom interface to the IQ Gecko engine running multiple Gift Card campaigns within the Casio VR POS that seamlessly allowed clerks to seamlessly look up a members Club card club to take member payments.
Specifics: As the Casio VR POS uses the Android operating system, IQ Gecko designed a cloud connected App for the POS. The App allowed a seamlessly POS interface with a simple clerk workflow while capturing every transaction.
Using ‘permissions’ within the IQ Gecko platform meant that each Casio POS could be restricted to only the specific gift card campaign and values the club wanted to be viewed at each club ground location.
The inclusion of our mobile LoyaltyPad solution means that Kogarah Golf Club is now also able to sell food and beverages on the course during corporate and other events.
Workflow: Kogarah Golf Club management loads funds into the multiple gift card campaigns using our 3-step upload.
The club members then use their card funds for product payments.
Every transaction is captured by; date, product, place, price and purchaser.
With this information, the Kogarah Golf Club can market to members “with relevance”.
The Result
As told by the Kogarah Golf Club GM:
"Just a bit of feedback on
the IQ Gecko platform after editing a few balances and category changes, etc -
For more information on features benefits and how it works, watch the Casio POS solution overview video.
Click here to read/download your IQ Gecko SaleGrabber with Casio POS User Guide.

Get paid for new customers.
40% of people visit a new merchant because of a Gift Card they received.
By offering Gift Cards your company is making it
easier for gift givers to please their
loved ones while they pay to send
you new customers.
Studies show that consumers
specifically look to purchase gift
cards and now expect that every
merchant offer Gift Cards.

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